video game genres

Video Game Genres: Complete List Of All Popular Genres In 2023!

The video game industry is experiencing rapid growth, earning revenue from various sources. Over one million video games are available worldwide, ranging across over 30 different gaming categories. These video game genres cater to the diverse tastes of gamers and have a rich history spanning over 50 years.

If you’re curious about these popular video game genres, continue reading to discover more.

List Of Video Game Genres

  • First Person Shooter (FPS)
  • MOBA: Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
  • Role-playing game (RPG)
  • Action-Adventure
  • Sports
  • Simulation
  • Platformers
  • Fighting
  • Real-time strategy (RTS)
  • Racing
  • Puzzle
  • Battle Royale
  • Survival

First Person Shooter (FPS)

FPS games are a popular sub-genre within the shooter video game genres, focusing on combat involving guns and other weapons. Players assume the role of a character and experience the game world through their eyes.

Call of Duty is a famous example, with millions of players worldwide engaging in daily gameplay and online multiplayer sessions. 

MOBA: Multiplayer Online Battle Arena

MOBA games are a strategic video game genre where two teams of players engage in combat on a predetermined battleground. Each player controls a unique character with advanced skills contributing to the team’s overall strategy.

Notable examples of MOBA games include Bleeding Edge, Marvel Super War, and Heroes of the Storm.

Role-playing game (RPG)

RPG games are a video gaming genre that involves players assuming the role of a fictional character and embarking on adventures in imaginary worlds. Character development is a crucial aspect of RPGs, driven by narrative elements and immersive storytelling.

They also have a leveling-up system and decision-making mechanics that can impact the storyline or character development.

Some notable examples of RPG games include The Witcher, Fallout, and The Legend of Zelda.


Action and adventure video gaming genres are combined to create the action-Adventure gaming genre. This genre offers players thrilling battle scenes, exploration, and puzzle-solving while incorporating themes of adventure and action.

Games like “Assassin’s Creed” and “Uncharted” are great examples of this genre.


Sports is one of the most popular gaming categories and have a huge fan base due to their ability to replicate real-life sports experiences. A sports video game replicates the practice of various sports, such as team sports, track and field events, extreme sports, and combat sports. 

A prominent example within the football genre is the FIFA series.


Simulation games aim to replicate or imitate real-life activities or scenarios, such as running a business or managing a city. This genre offers a more engaging and interactive approach to learning. They allow gamers to foster empathy and a deeper understanding of personal and interpersonal values.

Examples of simulation games include The Sims and Football Manager.


Platform video games revolve around the core mechanics of jumping and climbing. They usually require players to take control of a character, often from a third-person perspective. The main goal is to navigate through levels filled with obstacles and challenges.

Notable platforming games include Tomba, Mario, and The Prince of Persia.


Fighting games have been among the most popular video gaming genres since their inception. They involve two or more players engaging in combat against each other, often featuring techniques such as blocking, grappling, counter-attacking, and executing combos.

Examples of fighting games include:

In 2D and 3D, Street Fighter, Tekken, and Mortal Kombat. And in Beat ’em Up Brawler Games, Castle Crashers, and Double Dragon.

Real-time strategy (RTS)

In this genre of gaming, players strategically command and maneuver their units to defeat enemy forces and gain control of important areas on a map. As players progress through different levels, their tasks become increasingly complex, adding depth and challenge to the gameplay experience.

Examples of this genre include Age of Empires, Warcraft, and Warhammer 40,000.


Racing games are top-rated in the gaming industry, offering various racing modes such as drag, motorbike, horse, and track-based competitions. They evoke strong emotions in players and provide a high level of competition.

Examples of racing games include Driver: San Francisco, Forza Horizon, Traffic Rider, and Real Bike Racing.


In this gaming category, puzzle games are designed to engage and entertain players, offering a mental workout and a sense of accomplishment. They provide hours of engaging gameplay, sharpening cognitive abilities and satisfying the satisfaction of finding solutions. Various puzzle genres exist, including crossword, word search, number, relational, and logic puzzles.

Some famous examples are Portal, Tetris, and Braid.

Battle Royale

Battle Royale games have revolutionized the gaming industry by allowing players to connect in real-time, either individually or as teams. The objective is to eliminate opponents while navigating a shrinking play area, with the last player or team standing being declared the winner.

Battle Royale games can be played in 3D and 2D environments, with notable examples including Call of Duty, Apex Legends, Fortnite, and PUBG.


The survival genre is a highly immersive video game adventure where survival is crucial. These games offer unique and captivating gameplay experiences. They cater to different preferences and provide exciting challenges for players to overcome.

The genre encompasses a wide range of titles, some of which include Subnautica, The Long Dark, Terraria, and Shelter.

Check out Camlann Games to learn more!

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